Frequently Asked Questions
The Wesley is the official campus ministry of The United Methodist Church. Many are called Wesley Foundation, some are called the Wesley House, we simply go by “The Wesley.” We get our namesake from the founder of United Methodism, John Wesley. Though we function much like a church, we are not our own church, we are a mission of the church.
We always encourage our students to get plugged into a local church for Sunday morning worship. We have a very active ministry throughout the week with midweek worship, numerous Bible studies, lots of mission opportunities and fellowship activities. We specifically don’t offer any Sunday morning activities because we want our students to stay connected to the local church while in college. We recognize that some are burned out on the local church, some have to work on weekends, some just want to sleep in, but we always encourage them to stay connected to the local church in addition to their commitment to the Wesley.
Absolutely not! While we certainly want to do everything we can to provide a spiritual home for the Methodist students on campus, we want all to feel welcome at the Wesley, including those who have never had any affiliation with any church.
We are more than happy to contact your child and give him or her a personal invitation to the Wesley. One small request that we make of you in this area is that you not ask us to contact your child if you are not willing for us to mention that YOU asked us to call. We have found over the years that the anonymous “cold call” can be counter productive.
We always tell students, we would love for them to be involved at Wesley, but most importantly we want them involved SOMEWHERE! It is our desire that every student who walks through our doors will feel welcome, connect with other students, and desire to come back, but we know this won’t always happen. We are more than happy to suggest to your child other campus ministries that he or she can be involved in if they aren’t clicking at Wesley.
Being a mission of the church, we do receive funding from the Oklahoma Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. However, this funding only supports about 20% of our total budget! We rely heavily on the generosity and faithfulness of alumni, parents, and other donors to maintain our ministry. There are 3 ways you can give to our ministry:
1) Mail a check made out to “OU Wesley” to 428 W. Lindsey Norman, OK 73069
2) Give online here
3) Contact elizabeth@okwesley.org and let him know you would like to become a monthly donor via automatic deposit. Currently we have dozens of donors that take advantage of this quick and easy way to donate on a monthly basis.
All donations are tax deductible!